Italian Ceram gives the possibility to pay in a fast practical way through its credit card circuit. For all those countries that have problems and difficulties in sending payments via bank transfers, Italian Ceram gives the possibility to pay quickly and without interest using the credit card circuit.


When a order is confirmed, we will send by e-mail to your administration a link where you can proceed to the payment of the relative invoice using your Credit Card, together with the proforma invoice and all the documentation concerning packing details and the date of the ready goods. In a few minutes the payment is confirmed and we proceed immediately to the shipment of the requested spare parts or raw Material.

This speeds up and improves times, especially in those countries where for various reasons it is difficult to send money to Europe using traditional bank transfers.

Pre Sales Consultant

Clarity and seriousness in business relationships with customers, suppliers and partners.

After Sale Service

We provide after sales support directly with our staff of consultants and technicians.