Italian Ceram is a partnership of  an holding operating in the international forwarding field since 1880.
Italian Ceram is a dynamic and young company, born from the natural evolution of the long-standing company. Thanks to a deep experience and strong know-how, together with the most recent technologies in the transport field, our staff is proud to offer you its professionality.
The main market is the Middle East, East Europe. – core business of the group, allows us to offer the best possible service.
We can assure to our clients the fast development of import and export operations and the resolution of any matters, either technical, commercial or financial ones.
Italian Ceram S.r.l. always stays along the side of European industries interested in the middle-east market. It arranges and coordinates all the shipments with high professionality and knowledge.

For us, each shipment is important and needs the greatest attention. Our clients’ orders are managed by all our staff in the team: everyone follows the progress of the shipment and according to their skills and responsibilities make its own contribution to meet the customer’s needs.
The absolute focus on communication with our customers and their satisfaction is a must for our company.
Our staff is equipped with all the necessary tools in order to provide rapid and effective responses at any time.
The fundamental pillars in order to offer to our customers an experience meeting their highest expectations are:


The search for the best balance between quality of service required and the cost is essential aspect of our work.
The continuous attention to the feedback received and requested from customers allows us to offer best solutions always up to date being very competitive.
The satisfaction of our customers who decides to use our services is essential for us because we look forward establishing strong ongoing partnerships over time.


It gives us the opportunity to continue to deliver services to our customers by controlling the balance between the price and the service rendered at its best with regards to the volume.


Thanks to the network of which Italian Ceram Company is part, we have the opportunity to follow the entire workflow of the shipment with the professionalism of our resources, choosing high quality suppliers for our services.

Thanks to the continuous professional development of our staff and the knowledge of the markets (some difficult and delicate markets to be addressed) in which we operate, the Italian Ceram can offer not only traditional shipments but the complete package of assistance on everything that determines an efficient process of the delivery: documentation, advice on the various regulations of the addressed markets, insurance support, etc.